“ColdCalm is great! I use it every time I feel a cold coming on. Since I get colds often, ColdCalm is a great product for me to use. It’s amazing!”

“My wife had me try Oscillo and ColdCalm and I have used them throughout the past two cold seasons with unbelievably good results. At the onset of symptoms, I have used either Oscillo or ColdCalm and have had a decrease in both symptoms. I work in a public school setting and get an annual flu shot. I have had colds last for months, but not after using your products. Thank you, thank you!”

“I’ve been using your products for almost two years. I’ve turned my co-workers and my reluctant husband onto your products with complete satisfaction from all. My husband cannot be bogged down with drowsiness with his job responsibilities. He finally listened to my nagging and tried ColdCalm. He was pleased and is more open to homeopathic care with Boiron products. Thank you!”

“For the past 3 years, I have been using Oscillococcinum, ColdCalm and Chestal, both with my family and my patients. Used at first sign of illness, ColdCalm really does reduce cold symptoms. And Chestal is quite helpful to relieve the cough of children and patients with high blood pressure, who cannot use regular OTC medications. The physicians in my practice have now started recommending these products; thank you for making them available!”