Make an effort to continue your normal exercise routine throughout your trip. A walk or a run through a new city is a good place to start.
Travel may disrupt exercise. Time limitations or lack of equipment on trips can cause faithful exercisers to take vacations from workouts. Even nonexercisers may be affected by prolonged sitting in tight quarters. Make an effort to continue exercising on trips. In a study reported in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1 scientists found that exercise may prevent the elderly from getting colds and flu.
1. Kostka, T., S. E. Berthouze, J-R Lacour, and M. Bonnefoy. “The Symptomatology of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Exercise in Elderly People.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2000, 46-51. doi:10.1097/00005768-200001000-00008.